Conservation blog

Filmikonkursi võistlustööd

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Contestant 1


Annika Kluge (16), Helena Pass (16). Juhendaja Kadri Maaste

Tallinna Õismäe Gümnaasium

Contestant 2

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Lembitu Valdmets, juhendaja Arnek Grubnik.

Muhu Noortekeskus

Contestant 3

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Osalejad: Argo Kangur, Hanna-Liisa Tamm, Eike Ambre, Neti Kukk, Melanie Olesk, Kristiina Kivari, Hele-Riin Udeküll, Salome Köb

Juhendajad: Merje Jürisalu, Jaan Prost-Kängsepp.

Elva Noorteteater

Contestant 4

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

"Ühe naise lugu"

Jorma Bender (18), Madis Einama (18), Laura Raid (18),Rait Roop (18), Jaan-Sander Sillar (17), Elis Õis (18),

Juhendaja: Kristi Loit

Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium                  


Contestant 5

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

"Hambaarst keskajal"

Autorid: Siret Samarüütel, Maris Graumann, Gerli Kruusmäe,

juhendaja: Aime Peever


Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium

Contestant 6

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Kaarel Kusmin, Kaia Kuusmann, Ilona Kuzmina, Karin Lipstuhl, Kristi Vilu, Eda-Kai Riim,Tanel Michelson, juhendaja: Aime Peever

Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium

Contestant 7

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Piia-Liisa Koll, Mari Västra, Kelly Roo, Kate-Eddy Tihamets, Hanna-Loore Hansen, juhendaja Aime Peever

Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium

Contestant 8

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

"Ebajumalate ebakõla ehk põrgutee on sillutatud kaunite kavatsustega"

Autor: Merelle Paart, 17a,

Juhendaja: Merilin Paart

Jakob Westholmi Gümnaasium

Contestant 9

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Roland Ruul, Deivid Leppik, Oliver Ross, Ketter Lauri, Siiri Tamm, juhendaja Aime Peever

Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium

Contestant 10

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Gedrin Kreeps, Agnes Möldre, Elina Sahkur, Greta Maria Polluks, Kairi Lenk, Karl-Eerik Kokk, Kärol Järviste, juhendaja Aime Peever

Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium

Contestant 11

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn


Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium


Priidu auto

04. Dec 2011, Tallinn


Video documentation of the Bosch-Bruegel exhibition in Kadriorg

30. Oct 2011, Tallinn


24 hours to the exhibition opening

28. Oct 2011, Tallinn


16th century artist´s studio

26. Oct 2011, Tallinn


The animation is made for exhibition in Tallinn on the bases of graphic print: 

Philips Galle after Johannes Stradanus. Painting with oil. A sheet from the series New Inventions (Nova Reperta) 1593–1598. Engraving.

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


10. Jul 2011, Tallinn

Ultraviolet (UV) light has a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than that of X-rays. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, some materials used in paintings fluoresce.

Retouchings and over-paint applied on top of varnish show up clearly in UV as dark patches in an otherwise fluorescent area. 

Traditional natural resin varnishes fluoresce a characteristic greenish yellow colour. It is therefore possible to monitor the removal of old varnishes.


Dendrochronology in Kadriorg park

15. Jun 2011, Tallinn

Dendrochronology is a method used to identify the formation time of growth rings in wood by measuring the distance between the rings. Good growing conditions produce wide growth rings, while poor growing conditions produce narrow rings. The pattern formed by tree rings of varying thickness is therefore typical for a certain period. The seasonal changes in our northern climate cause the very clear growth pattern typical for oak. In dendrochronology it is possible to determine the precise felling date of the tree down to the exact season of the year in which the tree was felled (see more:

Video documentation of the conference "Techniques of Art History: Technical Art History" in Kadriorg

30. May 2011, Tallinn

From 13th to 14th of May annual Kadriorg Art Museum’s spring conference took place. This time the conference focused on technical art history, called Techniques of Art History: Technical Art History.

Specialists from different countries discussed topics about art, it’s material and how it helps us to interprete the artwork.

Full program of the conference can be viewed here:

One of the event’s main theme was Tracing Bosch and Bruegel international research project. During the second day of the conference, workshop and discussion were carried out, focusing on four versions of Christ Driving Money-lenders from the Temple and what kind of similarities and differences they have. Here you can follow the discussion via video documentation.


To reveal or not to reveal the hidden animals of Tallinn painting?

One of the topics was the dilemma: to reveal or not to reveal the overpainted animals (including two pigs, a donkey and a goat) of Tallinn painting: does the overpaintings have an historical value, what are the ethical dilemmas of the decision etc. (see more about the overpaintings:

As Alar Nurkse is just starting to carry out the trials to remove the overpaintings, we upload a short video clip of the discussion during the workshop.

Peter van den Brink visited the Art Museum of Estonia

28. Apr 2011, Tallinn

In April 9, 2011 Peter van den Brink, an expert on 16th century Netherlandish painting paid a visit to the Art Museum of Estonia. During his visit he showed a special interest to the ongoing Bosch & Bruegel research project. Brink, himself a student of Dolf van Asperen de Boer, the founder of Infrared Reflectography has used the material analysis in several of his curated projects, of which the exhibition The Brueghel Enterprise (2001–2002, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht and Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten Brussel) is the most renown. The exhibition together with its catalogue set a standard for a scientific approach and serve as an excellent example of the technical art history discipline. 

Peter van den Brink is an internationally renowned art historian, specialising in the Netherlandish art of the 16-17th century. 

Since 2005, Peter van den Brink has been the director of the Aachen City Museums, and previously worked as the chief curator of the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht. 


Conservation blog

05. Apr 2012, Tallinn

Bosch and Bruegel film contest


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